Search Engine Optimization and this Blog

SEO is a term you might not have seen, so if not enjoy my take on this technical term to open your eyes or ears to the games being played with or without your consent.

I prompted ChatGPT to get some information, didn't really use it but putting it front and center to be forth wright.

Not too much of an update today, but I do want to keep a regular cadence and try to upload as much as I can on the daily. The more content one has on their site, the more regularly it's updated, it means this beacon can grow bright so others can't ignore it. In the world of programming this is called SEO or Search Engine Optimization. The more Google promotes the ideas of this site, the more people searching for answers to questions laid out in this blog can find them. There are many crabs in this bucket we call society, and each crab is trying to get his or her way to the top. To get a fresh breath of air we need to do something novel, we need to show others with our words so that Google and the search engines will blast our messaging far.

This is a phenomenon of software development and advent of internet. What is SEO? Well it's a field that has specialty in marketing on internet, it stands for Search Engine Optimization as previously stated. Search Engines, like Google have algorithms that tailor data based on what they believe their users want. It has some sprinkles of their own agenda, to add marketing and ads, to keep you on Google longer with embedded content. This post and many like this, I put them out there to optimize the voice, the messaging so that Google and the search engines will find this voice to those who want to find it. I'm optimizing this website to meet the needs of the ever growing landscape of having contrarian voice in your mind. Our algorithms tailor to our baseline animal instincts, so sometimes an opposing force can create a cognitive dissonance. If you find yourself there, I'm sorry. Sometimes discomfort, rain, fire, however you want to word it. Sometimes you need to get out of your element to grow.


Above is information that is pirated from the linked article. We produce 328TB million terabytes of data each DAY as a species (the article breaks it down nicely, please check them for context as I stole their image). It's why I produce this messaging to be wrought with colorful language. I don't know who or what will need this information, but it'll be gobbled up by AI (if it's not being gobbled up as we speak) and maybe read by a handful of people. That's enough for me, that's enough for me to be satisfied that I've tried my best to open the eyes, and give someone a grain of sage advice that can be used to incubate an idea to ensure the power dynamics of the disparate economies do not become so lopsided that we devolve into techno-feudalism. I'm just throwing my voice down the well and seeing if I hear a someone trapped under all the other crabs, just not satisfied with being in their uncomfortable spot.

So non-doomers, what sort of new jobs will AI bring? I'm sure the smartest of us nerds will still be employable, I might get lucky or I might be outta job. Maybe our capitalist oligarchs can be benevolent and let us do hard labour picking produce for them, because the cost and dexterity of such a robot might be too expensive to sell us an apple for $1. SEO brought about the following jobs (from an embedded widget in Google's search results, which kept me from straying from Google's domain):


It's a game we're playing, us software developers and web masters, and if you want your voice to be heard, you're forced to play this game as well. It's not an easy game, it changes weekly as Google refines their algorithm and tech. It's not a game someone explicitly made, but something that came from necessity to market your content in a world where all information is just a second away, if you know how to find it and the algorithm is favourable to your ideas, that is. The thing you'll notice, and a trend I think is true across industries is that new jobs are created using technology and building blocks off of other blocks. Most of the novel discoveries are founded with the idea from a forefather.

So shit, if everything is on computers now does that mean all new jobs will be computer related? Well I'd wager a good 90+% will be created with computer focus, but I'm not seer. AI will be a great tool for these new endevours, you don't need to read source code or speak to engineers. You can have an idea and run it with AI, give it agency to make permutations and eventually you'll solve the problem you've set out to solve. But with AI agency, we'll be trying to sell our labour for pennies to compete with the relatively "free" nature of AI... Actually, come to think of it, we're already doing that with the gig economy like Uber and their ilk... We're devaluing our worth at the expense of convenience. Welcome to end game capitalism where the points are made up the masses go hungry and cold in the streets.

We could have a trillionaire among our ranks soon. I can't understand the collective hallucination, the fascination with such hording of wealth. It's a disease made from a game of telephone that started before any of us was born. "Hey, having extra food stores for later is good sage advice. It can help you when you have crop failures, it can help you share with your neighbours should their crop fail and yours does not". But take that sage advice, string it along for a few millenia and I'd wager you'd find capitalism again. I'd wager you find the hording of wealth and the suffering of the fringe of society. It's not so different from feudalism, but we can pick our jobs, we can pick our friends, we can pick our city/country/region of choice. We have lots of agency, but what happens when the ladder is kicked out? What happens when we lose abilities to pick one of these things? Are we still free? What even is freedom? Freedom to pay taxes and live under a flawed game of telephone? Idk and it worries me.


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