Apps to help drive engagement.

Introducing shKGA, a first in many apps to be served up first here at TWhbP. These apps will be ways to create habits and form bonds with this site as we explore decentralized identity.

I've made a new app that I think will be a good addition to the site to try and form new habits. The more frequently you visit a site, the more thoughts they can put in your mind. Apps like this are good if you have advertisements, as you can serve up even more. It could create brand recognition, or it could just fall on deaf ears.

In light of AI taking all the fun things away from us like art, enjoy shKGA as a new app for this site. It can be found here or conveniently in this blog page.


2024/12/02 Update: Including some extra info to help add a voice to this app.

I started this app a few months ago with inspiration from my buddy Chris. He wanted a graffiti tagging page for his music production site so artists can drop tags. This is just the MVP of the app so much more to do with it. I want to add accounts so you can save your colors and bring it to other sites. Save your favourite tags to again, drop on other people's sites. The next feature is to take screenshots of the wall so your creation can be saved and uploaded for all to experience in an image carousel. This is just the start, I need to get rid of bugs and make it scalable for multiple instances. If shKGA gets to be a household name, it'll need to scale. It's been built with scalability in mind so that's no issue, it's just whether or not people will want to use it.

I want many avenues for people to discover TWhbP, my blog is the main voice but I think having apps to create community off the side is needed. This will drive engagement and interest as my exploration into decentralized identity comes to light.

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Fraser - Saturday, November 30, 2024

New app who dis

TWhbP:blog - Check out other posts form this movement!