Post Number 10

Hey, mom! New TWhbP has dropped, make sure to check it out. It's not as whacky and technical as the other posts and should give some insights into the madness.

There are some days that are different than others, an astute reader might notice this is the 10th post on this blog. Yay, congrats for me. If you've read most of the content I applaud you. It's a lot going on up here in my mind and I'm just finding how to make it best digestible for mass consumption. I hope there have been tidbits of information that will be of use to you in your day to day life. I'm not a well of knowledge, I'm not looking to be encyclopedic in nature or make you smarter every day. I don't have ads or products to sell, but I do have a voice of a local technology inclined individual that has messaging that should be heard.

What is the reason behind this cryptic messaging? Why should it be heard? Who is my target audience? I want to be explicit in this post to lay out some questions people have had about this site. The idea broadly, this site is for everyone. It's meant to be a road sign, a beacon, a harrowing reminder that nation states have failed in the past, and ours is not so different. I don't have hard facts, timelines, or any future predictions of the sort. I do however have a voice, I have an idea, I believe that concerned citizens can get together to catch some of society if she falls. The internet is poisoned, but it's not to say throw it away, good experiment, let's go back into the streets! This is a point where we have discussions, we find people who enjoy internet (bahaha, who doesn't?) and help them get informed, so whether you're just browsing Marketplace for some new merch, or buying drugs in dark online chat rooms, this is meant to be a persistent reminder to make informed decisions about our usage of internet.

Hammering out a quick off the quip blog post is quite therapeutic I find. I'm not likely to journal or take a few minutes away from my daily grind unless I make a concerted effort to do so. I work remote so I tend to get most of my social interactions online. And much of the messaging here is what I've seen with my own eyes (in the comment sections of Reddit, Youtube and Instagram). People get so worked up and polarized and I believe it's poisoning ones mind. I think it's poisoned my mind? I've been slowly letting the distractions of the socials become just that, a distraction. I'm really training my mind so if I have a few minutes, it shouldn't be to default to go to Reddit. To that point, this site is the anti-thesis of a social media site. I want this to be a daily check in, an idea that you just need to do one thing every day and it's be better than you were yesterday. And maybe today is 5 minutes less of Instagram, or Tiktok. I don't want much, I just want people to know that internet is built off of a bunch of "free" products, "free" products that cost your time, or your mind, if not even your soul.

On certain activities online, I found myself in a constant state of emotions that didn't sit right. I was understanding that these "people" in comments sections might not be fighting their best fight or know what's in my best interest. But maybe it's worse, maybe they are looking to poison the well of sorts? It's fine, or so I thought. I've experienced many odd and fearful things online, but the idea of AI agents trawling the nets is a bizarre thing. Why should I be so emotional about such things, especially if it's a machine with intent of hijacking my spirit? Not having a clue if you're speaking to a robot or not is a spooky feeling. So yea, being a tech-doomsday guy for an hour a day has it's own benefits for me and the broader of society... hence TWhbP.

Each morning when I wake up, or when I have a few minutes to spare. I get to put on a new technology hat and discover some new passions as I nerd out on whatever tech I look into that day. TWhbP has potential to be a guiding principle of a better tomorrow. I get to create something, showcase my decade+ as a tech focused software developer while giving myself the pat on the back saying that I can help someone find an idea that made a problem easier. I can help them to dare to dream for a better tomorrow. It might seem counter productive to be so doom and gloom here while trying to make a better tomorrow. But flowers need both rain and Sun. You can't have both at once, so come here for your controlled daily pill of existential dread. It's not going to be all day every day thing, this post and a few others have been light to not scare away everyone. But you'll find this messaging has resonated within if at some point you'll want to leave here. Because being part of something bigger and better is not a forever thing, and while this is not "big" or "better" than any other blog, it's mine and I want you to be here.

I get to put a voice into your head for a few minutes a day. To give you a perspective you hopefully haven't encountered much before. It's a bit to invoke the fear of God. It's invoking this fear not to be an asshole, but to sit deep in your heart and mind so what I've seen can be can be a guiding principle in your life when and if it ever suits you. I'm trying to keep the drums beating, but it really takes a village, so share this message to some of your loved ones.


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